Friday, July 13, 2012

July 9, 2012- Church Horns

Hey Everyone!!
This week was the start of the new transfer and the 2 other Elders living with us both got transferred and the 2 new Elders arrived so we´ve been helping them get to know the city out here. Out of nowhere we went from having hot hot weather to super cold weather and the forecast is to pretty much stay cold forever now. We had a really obnoxious situation at church this last week. The Church is located on the city´s main street and a local church has a tradition every year on this Sunday that all the truckers from the nearby cities come and line their trucks up for miles and miles on the main road and for an hour in the morning they go to their sermon and then they come back at 9am and just drink, party and honk their truck horns until noon...our church meetings are from 9am till noon and it was so loud the entire meeting. I had to play the organ for Sacrament meeting and I turned the organ up as loud as I could to block out the noise but we could all still hear the honks and background music...o man, it was quite a memorable meeting haha We are doing great out here, tho, and realy excited for these coming weeks that we have! Our 4th of July went great, too!! We ate lots of hot dogs and hamburgers and sang lots of patriotic music and really enjoyed ourselves!! I hope you all are safe and that you give the little ones some loves!!!
Elder Michael J. Neilson

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